09 May 2010

Ankle Pain

Ahhhh..... another weekend coming to a close, another Sunday night of dehydration and exhaustion. A few weekend highlights include: K.C.'s SURPRISE party, a late night dance party complete with tripod headstands, and my first physical contact with an iPad (which belongs to my fave married couple A&T).

Between vodka drinks last night the topic of conversation turned to dressing trendy. Since my subscription to Elle ended with Nina Garcia's termination, I find myself not being as up-to-date on trends coming down the runway. K.K. (one of my fashion forward friends) made reference to the "heels and ankle socks" trend. I have yet to see this look in the suburbs, but according to the impeccably dressed Mrs. C. co-eds in Beantown have been exercising their right to sport frilly socks and dressy shoes. In my humble opinion, ankle socks should be left to Suri and Dorothy of Kansas.

This late-night, vodka-infused chat reminded me of my top seeded YouTube video... although it has been kicking around the internet for quite sometime I still hyperventilate every time I watch it... ENJOY!!!


  1. hah I love your blog!!!

  2. Yes, just watched this at work and nearly spit my coffee over my keyboard. The anchor's laugh is GREAT!
